I am perfectly happy with my digital footprint . A Google research on my name leads to public documents, traces of my participation in school board committees or to a volume I was privileged to co-author with two well-known architectural historians. I am pleased with my reputation on line but I have to make sure it stays so in the future.
What worries me more is my children's online identity. It is reported that typical teenagers have hundreds of FB friends and numerous msn pen pals. Forget about first drafts or editing tools; they post and msn on the spur of the moment. Some teenagers present sexually suggestive pictures or "memorable" party souvenirs that may haunt them later on, even after they have been deleted from Facebook. A recent example is Coeur de Pirate, whose new life as a performing artist is haunted by nude photos from the past surfacing again on the web.
Teenagers reveal very private details about themselves or their families and friends and, as Michael Fertik reports : it is "not out of malice but because online disclosure is second nature to them."
Teenagers are not aware that consequences are waiting down the road. Impacts on future employment are extremely serious. Specific companies are now emerging to clean up people's digital footprint, destroying offending material of teenagers or restoring a company's reputation. Some people will pay a lot for "damage control" or to protect their online identity. Online reputation and personal responsibility is quite informative about the personal responsibility and the importance of education in order to construct one's identity.
I am not excessively worried about my own children's online reputation. Since we have good communication and trust amongst us, I don't wish to control them or spy on them. I hope they have sound judgement and post, texto, or download proper content and photos. Still, I wish my children had been present at Mr.Miller's lecture about the importance of protecting their online reputation. I reported his talk and showed them the articles but what a mom says seems to be greeted with very little interest ! One of them has modified his profile picture since then.
Mr.Miller, your lecture should be on YouTube !
Il faut prendre soin de notre démocratie
Il y a 2 semaines
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